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The subject of this Public Call is "TROKUT DIGITAL NEET ACADEMY" which is launched by the Incubator for new technologies Trokut Šibenik doo, and is intended for members of the NEET group - young unemployed people who are not in the system of education.

Participants are not charged for education  if:

- achieve the given prerequisites for the target group based on the measures of the active employment policy of the Croatian Employment Service


-  achieve attendance at the program in a percentage greater than 80%.

All the details as well as the application conditions can be found in the Public Tender at the following  link:



Full-stack (web) developer or programmer is a person who does all aspects of web development = front-end; back-end; configuring the server and implementing the code on it.

Knowledge of Full-stack programming is especially useful for smaller web applications or smaller start-ups where one person can do all the technical stuff. But even larger companies prefer full-stack developers - for the reason that it is good to have people who can "jump" into another field in case the person covering it is no longer available for some reason. The goal is that by the end of the TROKUT DIGITAL NEET ACADEMY program, the participants will work on developing the functionality of the product (application), collaborate with other colleagues on front-end and back-end functionalities, test solutions, put them into production, and maintain the developed application.


Although a large number of employers prefer/require a completed college or university, to perform this job, a completed high school is sufficient. Good analytical and logical skills, exceptional oral and written communication skills and good presentation skills are required.

Is expected:

coping under pressure

active participation in the application development and maintenance team

work on product functionality (applications)

cooperation with other colleagues, teamwork

to understand business processes

analyzes user needs, forms them into requirements for software engineers

ensures that the delivered product adequately meets the needs of the user

introduction of business applications for users and for their upgrades due to legal changes or changes in the user's business processes.

This profession is in great demand, the work is dynamic, and like most professions in the IT industry, it is paid above average.


The education is subject to the conditions specified in Article I of this public call free and lasts 6 months.

It is carried out by combining the theoretical and practical part with an emphasis on practical work. By the end of the education, the participants are expected to create their own project, which will be evaluated by the companies where they will do the internship. practice to be held with partners and/or end users (potential future employers) for 3 months during regular working hours under the supervision of the manager.

After successful completion of the education, each participant will have basic knowledge for Full-stack developer jobs. Through practice, they will learn about the process of application development, testing, release into production, and application maintenance.

After the successful completion of the education, each participant will be able to apply for Full-stack   developer jobs, since these are applications for system development that he had the opportunity to see during practice or is familiar with earlier, and there is also the possibility of an entrepreneurial career/self-employment if the participant recognizes a global application that is missing on the Croatian market and is ready to become its implementer on the Croatian market.


The condition for admission to the academy is to have completed high school, college or university.

In addition to this, good ones are needed:

analytical abilities

communication skills in speech and writing

presentation skills

ability to cope under pressure

abilities and knowledge of using Office tools

The verification of the aforementioned abilities and knowledge will be carried out by the IT companies where the candidates will perform professional practice.

Candidates who meet the requirements are enrolled according to the time of application.

Participants sign a contract in which they undertake to pay the education costs in case of unjustified withdrawal.


In accordance with the current policy of the CES, if all prerequisites are met, for trainees registered as unemployed at the Croatian Employment Service, professional practice will be financed through active employment policy measures.

A trainee who is registered in the unemployment register and is a beneficiary of the Active Employment Policy Measures and who exercises the right to free education, who interrupts or does not complete the training without a valid reason, ceases to be registered in the register of unemployed persons of the Croatian Employment Service and cannot be registered in the register within 6 months from the date of termination of training, and is obliged to return to the Institute the total funds paid in the name of financial aid and travel expenses, paid up to the date of termination of training, increased by default interest calculated on the basis of Article 29, paragraph 2 of the Law on Obligations.

For the participant of the measure, employment is considered a justified reason for withdrawal, with the condition that the employment is longer than the duration of the training, in which case there is no refund of funds paid on account of financial assistance and travel expenses. Their payment is suspended on the last day of training.

The participant of the training is not obliged to return the said funds if the training is interrupted due to hospitalization, serious illness, illness of the child or other justified reasons. The justification of the reason for termination is decided by the committee of the competent regional office or service of the Institute.

For the participant of the measure and the assumed obligations towards the Incubator for new technologies Trokut Šibenik doo, the employment is considered a justified reason for withdrawal, with the condition that the employment is longer than the duration of the training, i.e. longer than 6 months, in which case there is no return of funds paid on account of financial aid and travel expenses. Their payment is suspended on the last day of training.


The theoretical and practical part of the education will be held in the Triangle Center at Velimira Škorpika 7/A, 22 000 Šibenik.


The planned start of the first education within the TROKUT DIGITAL NEET  ACADEMY   is scheduled for January 2022.


Applications to TROKUT DIGITAL NEET  ACADEMY are accepted by sending CV to the email: until 21.11.2021. with the obligation to fill out the questionnaire at the link: question mark

The goal of the Triangle is to periodically maintain the NEET Academy for the currently required positions.
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